Today, matlab world has become engineering global village. The speed of worldwide cohesion has considerably higher. There are unheard of changes in conversation, laptop era and transportation Pettinger, 2012. These progressions have made nations to become more interdependent. Primarily, globalization refers to matlab manner of integration and interaction among agencies, people and governments of different nations Brahm, 2005. More accurately, matlab is matlab action of interconnectedness between nations coming up from matlab exchange of ideas, world views, commodities, and others points of culture Pettinger, 2012. Dispensing Solutions practitioner / technologist Practitioners are concerned with matlab direct software of concepts and theories from one or more fields of science for matlab aim of shelling out answers to individual human issues rather than caring with matlab discovery and organization of potential. lkay SALHOLU, FAS NEU lkay SALHOLU, FMS NEUAreas of technology may be categorised in two major dimensions: 1. Pure matlab advancement of theories versus Applied matlab software of theories to human needs; or 2. Natural matlab study engineering matlab clearly occurring world versus Social matlab study of human behaviour and society. lkay SALHOLU, FAS NEU lkay SALHOLU, FMS NEUScientific methods or techniques are considered fundamental to matlab scientific investigation and acquisition of new knowledge based upon physical proof by medical communities. Scientific method refers to options for investigating phenomena, buying new competencies, or correcting and integrating outdated competencies.